
CHROME consists of a Board of Directors, an Executive Director, Program Director, Club Sponsors, Participating Students, and CHROME Alumni.

The Board of Directors is composed of representatives from member organizations. These individuals represent business, industry, professional organizations, school districts, and colleges and universities. The Board’s function is to advise the Executive Director and to support the participants.

The Executive Director has the overall responsibility for the operation of CHROME. This person keeps the Board of Directors fully apprised of CHROME activities, recruits teachers, counselors and students for the CHROME Program, acts as the principal fund raiser (including grant writing) and public relations person, and takes the lead in establishing relationships with industry, colleges, universities, community organizations, and businesses.

The Program Director assists the Executive Director in recruiting teachers, counselors, and students for active participation in programs and activities and provides training for recruited teachers and counselors and enriches training of existing sponsors. The Program Director coordinates all area-wide student programs and activities including workshops, field trips, internships, and scholarships with appropriate organizations and personnel.

The Sponsors are teachers at participating schools. Ideally, each club has a team of sponsors: mathematics teacher, science teacher, and guidance counselor. They are the school’s official sponsors for the CHROME Club. They act as liaisons between school administration and CHROME, plan CHROME Club meetings, plan field trips, and invite guest speakers. They inform CHROME Club members and their parents of pertinent information on workshops, field trips, internships, and scholarships received from “central office”, maintain records of each student’s academic performance, serve as chaperones on field trips, assist in career counseling, prepare and submit reports for inclusion in student records and/or the monthly CHROME Newsletter, and meet with the Program Director on a regular basis to plan and discuss CHROME activities, to report needs, and to make recommendations for improvements.

Participating Students are actively involved in a CHROME Club. They are primarily female or from minority groups that have been underrepresented in mathematics, engineering, and science careers. However, CHROME is open to any student who has expressed an interest in science, engineering or technical fields. Any CHROME student should complete algebra, trigonometry, chemistry, physics, and four years of English to ensure adequate preparation for a mathematics, science, engineering, or technical major in college.

CHROME Alumni are former CHROME Club members. They may be called upon to lead discussion groups, speak at CHROME Club meetings and accompany CHROME students on field trips. In addition to being utilized as a resource, contact with CHROME Club Alumni serves as a means of continued support through college.