The CHROME program is a near total approach to preparing minority and female youth for science, mathematics, engineering or technical fields. The components and activities within the CHROME Program are designed to motivate and assist students who are members of underrepresented groups in the fields of mathematics, science, engineering and related technical fields.
Entry into the CHROME Program is intentionally liberal to ensure that the maximum number of students is given the opportunity to participate. Criteria for continuation in the program, however, are designed to increase the probability of CHROME students entering college and maintaining their interests in engineering or courses of study in mathematics, the sciences, computer science, or other technical fields.
CHROME is not exclusionary; however, the main criteria for selecting students to participate in the program are that students:
- Be Native American, Black, Hispanic, underrepresented Asian (such as Vietnamese, Cambodian, Filipino, etc.) or female;
- Be enrolled in advanced mathematics courses (ideally pre-Algebra at seventh grade level up to and including Calculus before graduation from high school);
- Have expressed an interest in pursuing an engineering, mathematics, or other technical career; and
- Be in good standing in the school both academically and socially – the student must not be on academic probation or under any disciplinary action.
Once selected to take part in the CHROME program, students are exposed to a wide variety of experiences. These experiences are aimed at improving their academic skills, especially in the areas of math and science, broadening their understanding of these fields and increasing their awareness of post-secondary and career opportunities available. The CHROME Program is comprised of several components, including the CHROME Club. The ideal CHROME Club is headed by a team of three sponsors: a counselor, a math teacher, and a science teacher.